Okay pplz. Anime Action Fig (Me) wants to make a collab vid for Gold, Guns and Girls by Metric. But wait, we have one little issue : I can't animate fo Shiz!
So i'm thinking, why not help a sad cause (a.k.a me) by getting some good animators to help me. I'm thinking 'YES'. The song is A-mazing! The vid will be A-mazing! I just need some peeps to help me.
So if you know any good animators for example:
Gate-Keeper Girl
Then tell them please! I know what ur thinking!
You: Man, cut the crap. Those ppls are higher ups. They don't care and plus, they're to busy with Auracore or whatever their little group is.
Me:: I know but let's take a chance! We might be the little guy and they might be THE MAN but still! We can do this.
You: -.-...wtf?
SO! Thanx to that pointless dialogue, you must finally get it... unless you're like , you know 'retarded'. So please, HELP!
I wish you luck. I wish I was a good animator. lol.
haha thanx :P